
Mamites Accounting, Bookkeeping and Tax Services

Our website address is: https://mabtservices.com.


Your personal data and privacy are important to us. We, at MABTS, are committed to protect and implement appropriate security procedures to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of your personal data in compliance with Republic Act 10173, otherwise know as “Data Privacy Act of 2012“.

The company will only collect personal data that you provided to us voluntarily. By providing us with your personal data and signing the consent form provided, you authorized the company, through our standard forms, to collect, process, use and transfer your personal information in order to receive appropriate services and programs provided by the company.

The company stores data in the system/server with appropriate security to avoid data breach. Transfer of personal data may only be done by the authorized administrator for the purpose of report generation. Otherwise, personal data shared/transferred to third parties for further processing shall be subject to review and approval of this company and Data Sharing Agreement (DSA). The company DSA adheres to the principle of DPA.

For inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy Statement and the processing of your personal data, please coordinate with us at (0063-32-2380587).

The Management.